Saturday, September 01, 2007

Back to School, Back to Football:

Year 2 of the PhD adventure started this past week and this looks to be the busiest semester yet. I have a full load of classes, including an Organizational Behavior seminar that looks as though it will be a bear, and am teaching a section of Strategic Human Resource Management that is part of our undergrad management core. While that is a Wednesday/Friday course, the students are bright, engaged, and enthusiastic. My classes seem interesting, though, and so hopefully this semester will feel a lot shorter than it is.

This year I'll complete the coursework required for my PhD and enter the summer as an ABD. You've just got to take this one milestone at a time, I think.

Meanwhile, college football season got underway this past Thursday and the Syracuse football team picked up where they left off last year by getting shallacked by Washington last night. SU has won 4 games in the last two years and I'd be surprised if they win that many this year. My first love in college football, Ohio St., should be reasonably good, though they will be replacing their QB, both starting receivers, and the starting tailback from the team that lost in last year's national championship game. 9-3 seems reasonable to me.

So, today it's Va. Tech/ECU, Notre Dame/Ga. Tech, Georgia/Ok. St., and Cal/Tennessee. Not a terrible slate of games, so let's hope for some excitement to go along with the BBQ chicken I am thinking of making for dinner.

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